The first step in carpenter ant control is a thorough inspection in and around the structure. You’ll want us to inspect all areas that are conducive to carpenter ants from the ground level to the roof peak. Carpenter ants are most active at night. Sometimes an evening inspection is necessary to locate a difficult carpenter ant problem. The key to eliminating carpenter ants is locating the colony. This is often difficult as the carpenter ants usually locate their nest inside wall or ceiling voids where it is hard to get at.
Also where carpenter ants trail into a building is not always where the main colony is located. Carpenter ants sometimes form satellite colonies where they enter and exit a structure. Satellite colonies are in between the main colony and food locations or swarming locations. The ants may enter at a location and then climb through walls and rafters to where the nest is really located. After the nest or entrance ways have been determined the wall or ceiling void may be drilled and treated to eliminate the entire colony.
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